Workshops in Łodygowice

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On the 23rd of January members of our team had the opportunity to lead the workshops for grade 8 students in  Zespół Szkolno Przedszkolny im. Władysława Jagiełły w Łodygowicach about electronics, DNA extraction and microbiology. On the workshops we were able to demonstrate how microcontrollers such as Arduino work and how they can be connected together to form a part of a Cansat’s mission. The participants were able to see for themselves how certain parameters can be changed based on sensor input on the example of a range sensor controlling the number of light up diodes. As a biological part of the workshops, we conducted an experiment where we showed the extraction of a banana’s DNA with the use of common household ingredients such as dish soap and ethanol. Thanks to the biological equipment of the classroom, the participants were able to catch a glimpse of the extracted DNA under a microscope. Based on the experiment, we explained how the microorganisms in the air can be analysed inside our probe and demonstrated a prototype model of the can. We once again want to thank all of the attendees and the teachers, especially Dagmara Szpyrka, whose support made the entire event possible.